
Buku metodologi penelitian rnd.pdf
Buku metodologi penelitian rnd.pdf

Karso, Pendidikan Matematika 1 ( universitas terbuka, Indonesia, 2004).

Buku metodologi penelitian rnd.pdf

The results showed that pupils who properly answered five questions were 0 percent, four questions were 0 percent correct, three questions were 24 percent correct, two correct answers were 24 percent, one correct answer was 52 percent, and everything else was 0 percent incorrect. A triangulation technique was used to test the data in this investigation.

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Data identification, data classification, data description, and deriving conclusions are all steps in the data analysis process. Students are given fractional questions as part of the test and non-tests in the form of interviews with students and teachers. This study is a qualitative descriptive research method that uses both test and non-test instruments.

Buku metodologi penelitian rnd.pdf

This study took place in MukoMuko Regency's State Elementary School (SD) 04 Lubuk Pinang with a total of 25 students as research subjects. The lack of comprehension of fractions and operations on fractions among schoolchildren inspired this study.

Buku metodologi penelitian rnd.pdf